
The CSI provides perfect aesthetics and clinical results for all bone types, from the simplest to the most complicated cases. It introduces a perfect balance between high primary stability and sensitivity to the bone, which makes it highly suitable implant for immediate implantation and loading .
The CSI can be placed in standard implantations, immediate implantations, immediate loading, and sinus lifts.
Anodized coating technology unique anti-bacterial process
• The implants undergo an anodized coating process which contributes to the creation of an anti-bacterial shell on the Titanium.
• The coating is made from natural ingredients Food Standard \ Medicine and unattended polluting industrial materials.
• The anodizing contributes to the mechanical strength and prevents friction between the Implant and prosthetic parts.
• Surface treatment unique approach.
• Our company has adopted the method of surface treatment based on SLA or the RBM technology using quality materials
to create desired implant Topography. We have chosen not to use chemicals and industrial pollutants which may be
harmful. We decided to use citric acid naturally stabilized as a key component in the process of removing residue media
during surface treatment.
• The use of natural acid ensures very good implant bone contact and prevents situations of rejection of implants resulting
from acid treatment consisting of aggressive industrial chemicals that are decomposed after a certain period.
• This process is unique and is based on years of experience and f thousands of implants manufactured and implanted
around the world.
Drilling protocol
The recommendations presented in this drilling Protocol, based on long experience of specialists in the world.
However it is important to examine each case on its merits based on the physician’s ability to perform the procedure,
and the state of the patient’s jaw implant transpires with the beginning and there may be changes according to the situation.
In principle, we recommend using a drill that its diameter smaller than the diameter of the implant, in the case of soft
bone condition. Also, consider using a similar drill diameter implant intended for implantation in the case of hard
bone in order to avoid trauma to the bone and ensure rapid bone building around the implant.
Clinical advantages
• Provides the best results for all bone types in both simple and complex cases.
• Achieves very high primary stability due to its excellent bone condensing ability
• Enables much smaller osteotomy in bone types lll and IV
• Short and long-term stability of the crestal bone
• Long-term esthetic appearance – the modern, advanced coronal piece maintains the tissues around the implant and
creates a very dense, stable crestal bone attachment.
• Perfect balance between high primary stability and gentleness to the bone, makes it the most suitable implant for
immediate implantation and loading